While some tolerate unwanted visitors better than others, 99.8 percent of residents are not eager to see rodents, ants, bed bugs, mosquitoes, termites,, cockroaches, or even snakes, all common Pennsylvania state intruders, inside their home.
But what do any of these creatures have to do with your HVAC system? Unfortunately, plenty.
Although the cleanliness of a home can be influential, it is far from the only trait that attracts pests. Put simply, in order for your HVAC system to work properly, there needs to be some connection of outdoor and indoor air inside your home. While most of us cannot live without the effects of our heating and cooling system, we must recognize that uninvited guests only need gaps sometimes easily missed by the naked eye in order to make their way inside.
Not only can insects and rodents affect the quality of our foods and plants, invisible dander or other products they leave can serve as a major catalyst for allergy and asthma problems. Other larger creatures may even take out wires or create homes in essential parts of your HVAC systems.
Recent research found that Philadelphia was one of the top cities in the nation for rat infestation. With rats, as with insects, finding one may seem gross but like little to be concerned over. However, most of these types of creatures live and travel in groups. Where there’s one in plain sight, you may find hundreds of others hidden nearby.
So what do you do? Shut off all ventilation to your home? No! That’s far more dangerous than any creatures who might make their way inside. But there are some extra precautions you Cana take to protect both your hvac system and your home.
Naturally, keeping clean spaces and having regular pests sprayings and inspections are two of the best ways to protect your residence. Granted, sometimes they simply are not enough. Here are a few other steps you can try.
Keep Trash Away from your Home
Trash can be an insects or critters best friend. Attempting to keep nasty smells out of your kitchen or elsewhere is understandable, However, when you place trash outside, take it all the way out to the trash can and make sure the lid is tightly closed. Otherwise, you might just be waving a welcome sign to invaders.
Control Moisture
Like humans, insects and rodents require water to survive. Considering this it’s important to control the water near your residence, especially the AC condenser. In areas with leakage or that tend to be moist, invest in a dehumidifier. It might save you from some serious pest control and resulting allergies later on.
Seal of Entry Points
They may not be brilliant, but mice can enter your home using a gap as small as a dime. It’s beneficial to make sure all cracks and ducts are sealed off, including those in doors or windows.
Going a step further and covering flues and vents improves the effects of seals.
Weeds and Vegetation
Weeds, vegetation and holes near your home all attract certain types of critters. Maintaining weeds helps make your landscaping look nice and it keeps insect and snakes away from your home.
A Word on Snakes
While experts note that only about two types of area snakes are venomous, snakes are very common in Pennsylvania and you probably still are not looking to invite them in for dinner.
Since snakes are cold-blooded, any decrease in temperature may encourage snakes to look for warm shelter. But their entrance into your home or HVAC system isn’t your only problem. Snakes also like to breed in these areas, creating a slippery, slithering problem for you that just might take you by surprise one day.
You own your home and your HVAC system is for you. Don’t let rodents, snakes or insects gain control of what’s rightfully yours. If you have a concern about your system’s vulnerability, have us come out for an inspection.